Monday, January 19, 2009


Responsibility is a funny thing. Some people embrace it and accept it weather they want to or not. Others just ignore it, I guess hoping or knowing someone else will take care of it. In my case I have been disgustingly responsible for myself and others since I was 15 years old. Even if I wanted to blow it off it wouldn't be possible. So of course it really makes me wonder about people who can not care about and blow off the things they are responsible for. Do they not wonder if their responsibilities will need their care and attention? How do you not live up to your responsibilites? Really?

I've been working pretty much non stop since I was 15 years old, with a little time off here and again for surgeries or short vacations. For the last 5 1/2 years I have been working 2 jobs. I want so bad to quit the second job, I'm just done with it. But I can't and I don't know when/if I ever will be able to. I'm paying to send one kid to college while paying the extra money to keep my other one in the sports he plays, and he will be in college eventually. Basketball shoes, baseball cleats, and all that goes with it does not come cheap. OH, and I make too much money to have him qualify for financial aid. What a joke! Do you know how much books alone cost? Eventually my son will be going from community college to a bigger (translation more expensive) college. I'm thinking when that happens I will be in the market for a third job. Hey, who needs sleep, it's all overrated right?

Friday, January 2, 2009

I have a severe case of the "have tos".....

I don't know if anyone else gets these but I have an awful case of the "have tos"....

I get up because I have to.
I take a shower because I have to.
I brush my teeth because I have to.
I go to work because I have to.
I comb my hair because I have to.
I put my make up on because I have to.

If I could stay at home, be stinky, yellow teeth, matted hair, and in my jammies and my Uggs I would be content.