Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas and other goings on....

Well Christmas was really nice this year and I enjoyed the season. On Christmas Eve my kids go to their dad's and spend time with him and his family. I went to my cousin's apartment with my mom & my nephew and watched her kids and my other cousin open their gifts.

Christmas Day was fun because it was the first year that Kaden was really into it. He kept wanting "pesents" and would say "For me? I can open?"... I bought him some clothes and a new tricycle. I will post pictures soon when the weather is a bit better, I get him a helmet, and he can ride in my street. He can't pedal yet so he's so funny to watch doing it Flinstone style. I got some nice gifts, a watch I wanted from Joey and I got a new vacuum which I needed badly!!!

Last night I spent the night at Dameron Hospital. Jordan fell at basketball practice at Franklin and thought he broke his elbow. So my mom called me at work, I rushed to meet her at Dameron, and we waited. They x-ray'd his elbow and said there were no "obvious" fractures but the tissue was swollen and bruised. He couldn't put his arm straight because it hurt so bad so they put it in a splint and a sling and said to follow up with Kaiser the next day.

So, today we went to Kaiser and they said it was still too soon to x-ray again but he could move it a little more, but he still can't straighten out. He has to keep the splint on and in the sling and we have a new appointment on Monday for a new x-ray to make for certain there are no fractures.

I'm telling you this kid has had more x-rays than my other 2 put together. He broke his wrist 2 1/2 years ago playing basketball. There was a pen on the court/playground and he stepped on it and rolled and landed on his hand. He's always falling on his left hand too which is bad because he's left handed.

I'm thinking it won't be broken but we'll have to wait and see. If it is he will miss out on basketball and maybe baseball this season and we don't want that to happen.

Well I'm off to work, which is something I've been doing massively for the season. I'm so glad it's almost over. I say almost because we still have returns and after Christmas sales so we have yet to slow down. LOL

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