Saturday, September 27, 2008

Radiation Part 2....

Well I made it through my first week of radiation. Like everyone said it was pretty easy. Monday was a breeze, they were waiting for me to get there and I was in and out before 5 p.m. (my daily appointment is at 4:45), Tuesday was another story, they were behind so I waited with some other patients and I finally got out right before 6 p.m. Next came Wednesday which again was pretty much a piece of cake. Oh, next came Thursday (if it seems like it's getting tedious you would be correct), in and out. Then there was glorious Fiday!!! But it wasn't so glorious and that's all on me.

Every day is two radiologists they rotate late days I guess. They are actually very happy to see me because I'm their last appointment of the day. Friday however was unconfortable for me. It was the two guys' turn to do my treatment. Now I know it's all medical and they are very professional, it's not like they are "checking out my rack", BUT, all the same it was a little tense for me. I'm sure I'll get used to it, I just have to work through it.

I get off work at 4:30 and head to my appointment. I change into a hospital gown and then wait for them to call me in. My actual treatments consist of me getting into position on the table on top of my mold and a sheet, they position me and line up my tattoos with the rays and then they leave the room. Then this big huge machine starts on the left side makes a humming noise and works its way in a 1/2 circle around to my other side (which is my affected side) and hums for a while longer and then they come in and tell me to put my arms down and I'm done. I just go get dressed and head home or to work, whichever the case may be.

Well I can't believe I got through one week but there are 4 1/2 more to go. My last treatment day is October 29th. I thought it would just fly by, but not so much. But obviously I've got to get through it and I'll be so happy when I'm done.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Call Joe Francis and Girls Gone Wild!!!

I went for my simulation for radiation and x-rays today since I start actual radiation on Monday. They had to make sure all my tattoos and stuff lined up and that I was positioned right.

This consisted of lying on a table with my hospital gown pulled down just below my breasts and 3 technicians drawing on me and moving me and x-raying me. They also had to take some photos of me.

At this point I've flashed so many medical personnel I'm not sure if GGW would be that much difference. LOL Although my "girls" aren't quite as firm, and I'm not quite as "shapely" as the girls in those videos.

I just hope those pictures never get out to the public. I'll never be president then. LOL

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Radiation Part 1

Well I got a call today and I will go in on Friday for my "dry run" on the radiation. That is basically a dress rehersal to make sure all the tattoos and things line up right. I'll have to do some x-rays and then that's it.

I will start my actual treatment on the following Monday. I'm a little nervous because I don't know how it will affect me and how I will feel. As of now I'm going to keep working both jobs until I see if I'm too tired to do that. Regardless I will work during the day through the whole thing.

I'll post more later after I have more info.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I've got to have some fun, it can't be all medicine...

A friend of mine got tickets to the Janet Jackson concert in Oakland on Saturday night and we went. It was SO much fun!!! She was really good, the only thing was L L Cool J was supposed to open up for her and he wasn't there. Instead it was Nelly, who did a good job, but I was really looking forward to L L, I've loved him since high school. LOL

It can't be all about work and doctors.....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Radiation & Tattoo'd for life...

So. I went to the other oncologist, the one who's going to do my radiation. Yesterday was my consultation. I met first with Jennifer the nurse, she was very nice and very good at explaining things to me. Then I met with Dr. V who let me know pretty much what I already did, except for the part where I have to do the radiation 5 days a week for at least 5 1/2 weeks.

I thought 2 or 3 days, but 5? I did not know that. But hey, whatever is going to do it, I will do. I'll have to prolly adjust my time at work, try to get in at a later hour in the day if possible. I did get some more information about being tired after we get this rolling. So, as for Penney's I may have to cut down to weekends only. It's going to hurt financially, but like always, I will get by.

My second appointment was today to do a CT scan and to brand me for life. This took about an hour and wasn't too bad, I was nervous because I'm claustrophobic and didn't want to be stuck in an enclosed tube. Good thing it was open at the back end, when I saw that I relaxed. I had to lay on this strange looking blobby thing that wound up forming into a cast type thing for when I go back to to my actual radiation.

It was slightly uncomfortable as I had to sit with my hands over my head, exposed for the world to see, for about 20 minutes. Then after I was situated Dr. V came in and marked me up with a Sharpie marker and then Hillary, the radiologist got me prepped to tat me up!!! LOL

I have three very small dot tattoos. One in between my two breasts, one on my left side, and one on my right. These are not temporary things to be removed when I'm done, they are permanent tattoos. Good thing they are small. She said the one in the breastbone would hurt worst of all, but actually the one on the right was the painful one. Then the one on the left bled for a while, not gushing, but not a tiny spot.

So now I wait. I wait for them to set up my "plan". They will then call me in (about 7 -10 days) to do a dry run. Then after that I will set up my Monday - Friday appointment and get this show on the road!!!

I'm nervous about how I will respond to this and hope that the exhaustion isn't that bad. I don't know if I said it before, but I don't have time to be "sick". I have too much going on, too much to do. I mean Jordan will start basketball soon and we all know I don't miss my kids' games.

So for the next week or so I will wait. I will wait and anticipate and then do what I gotta do!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

OMG, I totally forgot about these!!!

Jessica, Tammy, Casey, & me....
Casey & Jessica and the little blue Datsun....

I was going through my closet looking for stuff and came upon an old photo album... OMG, I totally forgot the John Mellencamp concert. I can't even tell you what year this was, '91 or '92?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Back to work... Again.

Ok, I go back to work tomorrow. It's a good thing but yet not... I've gotten used to being on my own time and doing what I want to do. Yeah, I know it's only been 3 weeks, but hey it was a relaxing 3 weeks... Well after the surgery and recover part. LOL I actually go back to both jobs tomorrow. But I also have an appointment at the radiology place to have my consultation on when I start my radiation. I'm hoping I'll know everything tomorrow about that. How long, when, what days, etc.

I hear one of the side effects are lack of energy so I'll have to see how it all goes and then manage my work schedule (at Penney's not WorkNet) around it. I don't want to try and work if I'm going to be drained. Hopefully it won't affect me too badly (I'm trying to be optimistic)...

Since today is my last day off I guess I'll do my normal Sunday routine of cleaning the bathroom and doing the laundry. I've got to get back in the groove. LOL

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

If a mother of three toddlers can do it so can I!!! LOL

I'm reading a book called Twilight. It was recommended by one of the blog queens I know Casey. I don't normally believe in "signs" but I went to Target today to buy the New Kids on The Block's new CD (I'm going to the concert, I have to know the new songs LOL) and as I walked down the aisle I saw the book staring me in the face. Not only that, it was on sale for $8.00. I didn't even know what the book was about but I tossed it in my cart anyway. It's been sooooooo long since I've read a book that I can't even tell you the last book I read.

So I thought how pathetic of me... If a mother of triplet, three year old, girls can fit the time in to read a book then I should too. I mean I need to do something to expand my mind right? I'm not done with the book, I'm only about 1/4 of the way done, but I have a feeling I will finish it tonight or tomorrow morning. And so far, I highly recommend it.

But in true lazy me fashion, I also can not wait for the move which is scheduled to come out on 12.12.08...

Monday, September 1, 2008

On my meds

Well I started my medication on Thursday, it's called Tamoxifen (I think I already mentioned that)... Well a few of the possible side effects the dr. informed me of were thinning of the hair, depression, and possible weight gain. He did stress that they are "possible" side effects and there are a few more but these were the ones he mostly discussed.

Ok, to start with the hair thinning. I have very thin hair to begin with, but I do have a lot of it (really it makes sense), my hair is also almost now down to my butt after being kept around shoulder length or shorter for a few years. Now in the big scheme of things I know this is not a big deal, but the vanity in me kicks in and I do worry about it. But I guess like everything else I will deal with that if/when I get there.

Then comes the depression..... Are you kidding me? I don't have time to be depressed. I haven't had time to be depressed since all this started and I can't start now. So far, even though it's only been 5 days, I seem ok. I'm not an easy crier and I hope that doesn't change. I can't be one of those that cries at long distance phone call commercials.

Last but definately NOT least is the "possible" weight gain. OMG are you REALLY kidding me?! The last thing I need is more weight, I actually have totally enough. I could share with those who need it and still be ok. Before all this started happening I was actually focusing on my weight, my eating habits, portions, exercise, etc. But then I really had/have to focus on my heath. Now the dr. did mention weight is/can be a big part of the cancer and why I got it. So I'm going to get back on track with that. And actually, since I've started the meds I have really, really, really, lost my appetite.

Those who know me know I am not a small girl, I am a pretty big girl. But I haven't always been that way and I don't plan on staying that way. I mean I've never been and never will be a size 1 or 3 but I know I can get to a decent size/weight/healthy area if I put my mind to it.

The fact that the meds are causing me to lose my appetite may seem like a good thing but it's not really, I mean I do like food. Here the past few days I have cooked/bought/went out for food that sounded good at the time but then after a few bites I'm done and just the thought of putting more in my mouth makes me gag.

Well it's late, and another thing I seem to not be able to sleep since starting th meds. I was up until 3 a.m. this morning watching the BFF BH 90210 Marathon on Soap Net. Gosh I miss those fights between Brenda and Kelly over Dylan. LOL

Ok, I am going to try and get some sleep because I have to get up early and take Jordan to school, and I need to start getting used to getting up at my normal time since I go back to work on Monday. I hope everyone had a great Labor Day and I'll catch you later.