Sunday, September 7, 2008

Back to work... Again.

Ok, I go back to work tomorrow. It's a good thing but yet not... I've gotten used to being on my own time and doing what I want to do. Yeah, I know it's only been 3 weeks, but hey it was a relaxing 3 weeks... Well after the surgery and recover part. LOL I actually go back to both jobs tomorrow. But I also have an appointment at the radiology place to have my consultation on when I start my radiation. I'm hoping I'll know everything tomorrow about that. How long, when, what days, etc.

I hear one of the side effects are lack of energy so I'll have to see how it all goes and then manage my work schedule (at Penney's not WorkNet) around it. I don't want to try and work if I'm going to be drained. Hopefully it won't affect me too badly (I'm trying to be optimistic)...

Since today is my last day off I guess I'll do my normal Sunday routine of cleaning the bathroom and doing the laundry. I've got to get back in the groove. LOL


Trish said...

I hope you had a good day back at work. Aren't the boys helping you out with the house work? Put them to work! lol They should be taking care of you now. Take care. I hope all is well. Take an easy on yourself.

Mary Franks said...

They help me when I'm here to tell them to help me... I worked one day and I feel like it's been a month. LOL