Tuesday, September 2, 2008

If a mother of three toddlers can do it so can I!!! LOL

I'm reading a book called Twilight. It was recommended by one of the blog queens I know Casey. I don't normally believe in "signs" but I went to Target today to buy the New Kids on The Block's new CD (I'm going to the concert, I have to know the new songs LOL) and as I walked down the aisle I saw the book staring me in the face. Not only that, it was on sale for $8.00. I didn't even know what the book was about but I tossed it in my cart anyway. It's been sooooooo long since I've read a book that I can't even tell you the last book I read.

So I thought how pathetic of me... If a mother of triplet, three year old, girls can fit the time in to read a book then I should too. I mean I need to do something to expand my mind right? I'm not done with the book, I'm only about 1/4 of the way done, but I have a feeling I will finish it tonight or tomorrow morning. And so far, I highly recommend it.

But in true lazy me fashion, I also can not wait for the move which is scheduled to come out on 12.12.08...


Jessica said...

That is so funny! Casey and I had the conversation this afternnon of how/when she finds time to read. Let me know what you think? I have 8 million books on my night stand..none finished! Hope your feeling better each day!

Mary Franks said...

I finished the book today and now I can't wait to get my hands on the next one. I'm actually feeling better each and every day.

Casey's trio said...

Ha! Okay I am well into the 2nd book now. Have you started it yet?