Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Radiation & Tattoo'd for life...

So. I went to the other oncologist, the one who's going to do my radiation. Yesterday was my consultation. I met first with Jennifer the nurse, she was very nice and very good at explaining things to me. Then I met with Dr. V who let me know pretty much what I already did, except for the part where I have to do the radiation 5 days a week for at least 5 1/2 weeks.

I thought 2 or 3 days, but 5? I did not know that. But hey, whatever is going to do it, I will do. I'll have to prolly adjust my time at work, try to get in at a later hour in the day if possible. I did get some more information about being tired after we get this rolling. So, as for Penney's I may have to cut down to weekends only. It's going to hurt financially, but like always, I will get by.

My second appointment was today to do a CT scan and to brand me for life. This took about an hour and wasn't too bad, I was nervous because I'm claustrophobic and didn't want to be stuck in an enclosed tube. Good thing it was open at the back end, when I saw that I relaxed. I had to lay on this strange looking blobby thing that wound up forming into a cast type thing for when I go back to to my actual radiation.

It was slightly uncomfortable as I had to sit with my hands over my head, exposed for the world to see, for about 20 minutes. Then after I was situated Dr. V came in and marked me up with a Sharpie marker and then Hillary, the radiologist got me prepped to tat me up!!! LOL

I have three very small dot tattoos. One in between my two breasts, one on my left side, and one on my right. These are not temporary things to be removed when I'm done, they are permanent tattoos. Good thing they are small. She said the one in the breastbone would hurt worst of all, but actually the one on the right was the painful one. Then the one on the left bled for a while, not gushing, but not a tiny spot.

So now I wait. I wait for them to set up my "plan". They will then call me in (about 7 -10 days) to do a dry run. Then after that I will set up my Monday - Friday appointment and get this show on the road!!!

I'm nervous about how I will respond to this and hope that the exhaustion isn't that bad. I don't know if I said it before, but I don't have time to be "sick". I have too much going on, too much to do. I mean Jordan will start basketball soon and we all know I don't miss my kids' games.

So for the next week or so I will wait. I will wait and anticipate and then do what I gotta do!!!


Casey's trio said...

I will be thinking of you as you continue on your journey. It sure sounds like the doctors are being very thorough. You will be one more person added to the survivor list. Good for you!

Jessica said...

Wowza! As I have been, I will continue to pray for you. You are and will be a survivor, and your attitude is great!