Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Worse than before....

OMG I had my 2nd surgery on Monday and it's worse than the first time. I don't know if it's because the area was still sensitive or what but I hurt still so bad. I finally got the nerve to take a shower around midnight last night but I didn't remove the gauze yet. I can tell already that there is a bruise there like no other. Last time I had a little bruise this time I can see the purple coming out from under the dressing.

Also, I'm really tired. By the third day last time I had at least got ready and went to eat. This time, not so much. I haven't even taken Jordan to school yet. Joey has done me the hugest favor by getting up early and taking Jordan to Franklin before he heads off to Delta. And that's a big deal considering they are woking on parking over there and it's a fight to get a spot if you're not there early.

I kinda wish I would have had to stay the night in the hospital, just because they wait on you hand and foot there. LOL Here I'm seeing all the stuff that needs to be done even though I can't do it and it's driving me crazy. Anyone want to clean my bathroom for me? Just kidding.

Well I'm beat, off to rest some more since I popped another pain pill and I feel it kicking in.

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