Thursday, October 16, 2008

Stomach problems...

Well I've been home from work for 3 days with stomach problems. I came home Monday night from Penney's dizzy and with a pain in my stomach. Well I must have some bug, because it won't go away. I feel like I'm being stabbed in the center of my stomach. I went to the dr. yesterday and they drew blood and I have to go back today for a ultrasound to see if it's gall stones. I haven't eaten since Monday afternoon and I'm STARVING...

I can't keep anything in or down, including water. Everytime I try to drink something that pain comes back so sharp that I can't stand it. Last night Joey made me some chicken soup with crackers but sure enough it came back out immediately. I have been going to my radiation because I don't want to add any time to it. October 29th is my last day and I can add days to the end if I need to but I don't want to. My skin is getting so irritated, the only good thing about being home for the past 3 days is I can keep my bra off and just keep the lotion on my skin...

I've got to get better because I really don't have time to be off sick and I work on Saturday morning and I promised my grandson I would take him to the pumpkin patch on Saturday after work. Plus Joey's 19th birthday is on Sunday and I'm sure he'll want to go eat or something and I want to be able to go.

Well, I'm going to lie down until time to head out... I feel like crap!!!


Meaghan said...

I HATE being sick! I'm so sorry you feel so icky!

I launched my coffee website if you want to check it out and we are doing giveaways too. If you want to enter for the giveaways go to


Jessica said...

I am so sorry..I hope your feeling better. I just spoke to Joey and he told me you are a little better today! Take Care!!