Monday, August 4, 2008

Strange coincidences...

Well I found out today that Christina Applegate (Married With Children, Jesse, Samantha Who?) was diagnosed with breast cancer too. While of course I don't know her total diagnosis it does sound similar to mine. The reason I say coincidence is that she and I share a birthday only I'm 2 years older, (and however many pounds larger LOL) but that is besides the point. Well anyway, I wish her well and will keep her in my prayers when I pray for myself as well. It just goes to show that I'm a single mom with 2 jobs just trying to make it in the world and it got me, she is a rich and famous movie/broadway/tv star and it hit her too. Cancer doesn't discriminate


Casey's trio said...

Jessica just told me yesterday about your news. I am relieved that it was caught early and I know you will get through this. I know a few women who have gone through breast cancer and are survivors. I am thrilled that you started a blog. I bet if you do a search for breast cancer blogs, you'd find quite a few out there. This can be a great way for you to meet others going through the same thing.
Lots of love and hugs to you!

Jessica said...

I continue to keep you in my prayers, and will wait to hear from you after your next appointment. Casey is right, this blog can be a great way to meet others going through the same thing. I think you will be able to find huge support out there.
Love ya,