Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Random things you may or may not know about me...

1. My favorite movie in the world is The Wizard of Oz
2. I don't like cheese
3. I love Dr. Pepper
4. I've bitten my nails since I was ten years old
5. I hate diet soda
6. I hate sweet tea
7. I don't like chinese food
8. I don't like fish
9. I love shrimp, lobster, and crab
10. I voted for the first time when I was 26 years old
11. When my kids were little one week I had 3 jobs and worked 86 hours in that week
12. My first car was a '76 Toyota Corolla
13. I had my first kid when I was 16 and my last when I was 23
14. I graduated high school at 17
15. My first job was at A&W Resturant
16. I became a grandma at 36
17. I had a hysterectomy at 36
18. I hate to fly
19. I want to go to Disneyland at Christmastime BAD
20. My birthday lands on Thanksgiving every 5 years or so
21. I failed my first behind the wheel driver's test
22. My 2nd toe on my feet are shorter than my 3rd toe
23. I can't roll my tongue (and it's inherited so I can't learn how)
24. I'm horrible at math
25. I work in the Fiscal Department at work and my title is Accounting Technician I (true story)
26. I can't stand to see blood
27. I will clean your ears with Qtips if you let me (I hate dirty ears)
28. I will pop the zits on your back
29. I love the smell of vanilla or sugar cookie candles
30. I can make cinnamon rolls from scratch
31. I hate thunder & lightening
32. I still watch MTV Real World/Road Rules challenges
33. I love to watch The Biggest Loser... while eating peach cobbler
34. I hate to wear shoes and will wear flip flops as far into the winter as I can
35. I probably own 50 pairs of flip flops (thanks Old Navy)
36. I want to go to Hawaii but probably never will (see number 18)
37. I randomly take college classes online and am working towards a degree in Public/Business Administration if I didn't have 2 jobs I would take more
38. I hate my natural hair color and have been blonde for 5 years until this year when I went dark again
39. I LOVE, literally LOVE my DVR (It's like my boyfriend)
40. I watch General Hospital
41. My favorite tv show of all time is Roseanne
42. I don't attend church but I pray. A lot! (even before the cancer)
43. My dream car is a 2003 Cadillac Escalade in Pearl White with 24" chrome rims & tires
44. I collect cows and have since I was 19 years old
45. I have a king sized bed and I sleep on one side and never even roll to the middle
46. I love my Uggs
47. I'm named after my mom's two sisters one who passed away at 19 and the other is still alive
48. My middle name is Yvonne
49. I'm a meat eating kind of girl
50. I've never owned a brand new car
51. I only have on living grandparent
52. I have one sister (she lives in Oklahoma) but two step-sisters
53. I can cook, but I hate to cook, but of course I do cook
54. The inseam on my legs is 36"
55. I don't like Mariah Carey's music
56. I can not watch Celine Dion or Jessica Simpson sing (they look like they are having seizures)
57. I am a tabloid magazine junkie I buy at least 4 a week
58. Team Aniston
59. I own every season of Friends on DVD including the season finale
60. I played fast pitch softball for 4 years
61. I don't like Jim Carey or Hillary Swank and I try to avoid their movies
62. I have not seen any Lord of The Rings movies
63. I have seen all the Harry Potter movies but read none of the books
64. Asprin makes me sick to my stomach
65. I hate my freckles
66. I love purses, especially Dooney & Bourke
67. I ate In & Out Burger for the first time 3 years ago
68. I used to crave ice and I had to have it 24/7 until my hysterectomy since I'm not anemic anymore the craving went away
69. I don't care much for chocolate but I do love Peanut M&M's
70. I like ice cream in the winter but not the summer, it melts too quick
71. My favorite ice cream is Cold Stone Cake Batter
72. All of my kids went to the same high school I did
73. I love chcolate chip cookie dough and will eat more dough than I make cookies
74. My money has to face the same way and be from smallest to largest denomination in my wallet
75. I hate the way lotion feels on my hands
76. I never wore braces but always wanted them
77. I like showers not baths
78. I make THE best chicken parmasan in the world
79. Mice and rats freak me out
80. I can walk into a pitch dark house no problem but I'm scared in the dark outside
81. I can stay in a squatted position for a long time and keep my balance
82. I don't like Gatorade
83. I drove from California to South Carolina in 50 hours
84. I have no sense of direction and will get lost coming home if I take a wrong turn (seriously)
85. I don't like to swim or be in the water
86. I like the flavor of food cooked with onions but I hate to eat the actual onions
87. I still put olives on my fingers like I did when I was a kid
88. I have 2 birthmarks
89. I used to have my tongue and my nose pierced
90. My favorite baseball team is the New York Mets and I would love to see them play at home
91. I'm usually not hungry when I'm done cooking because I eat while I cook
92. I blow out my candles on November 25th
93. I'm claustrophobic
94. I didn't like Halloween as a child all I wanted was bubble gum
95. I would rather clean the toilet than fold clean clothes
96. I got a 2nd job temporarily for extra money and have been there for 5 years
97. The girls at my 2nd job call me Maryfranks (one word) Idk why they just always have.
98. I can text perfectly without looking at my phone
99. I can't fall asleep without the tv on
100. Once I fall asleep I'll wake up in the middle of the night and then go to bed even if it's 5:30 a.m. and my alarm goes off at 5:45 a.m.

Well that's it, I know it's boring but once I got started I couldn't stop. LOL

1 comment:

Casey's trio said...

Now that is talent....100 things-WOW~ And I laughed out loud at some of them:)