Sunday, October 12, 2008

Week 4, over 1/2 way done...

Well I'm coming up on week 4 of radiation starting tomorrow. That means I've completed 15 treatments and I have 13 left to go. I REALLY over did it this weekend. Friday I went to my treatment early in the morning instead of the afternoon because I went to the New Kids On The Block concert in San Jose Friday night (more on that with EXCELLENT photos coming up)... I didn't get home until 2 a.m. and then I had trouble sleeping even though I was exhausted.

Saturday morning I was sleeping so soundly and got woke up with my cell phone going off, who texts at 9:00 a.m. on a Saturday ;o)... So I got up and had to get ready for work in a bit to be there at 11... I was so anxious waiting for the clock to hit 3 so I could leave (anxiety has been happening a lot more lately). Finally 3 came and I had to go run an errand and then I promised my friend Renee that I would go to a Quincenera with her that her son was in because she didn't want to go alone... What was I thinking? I went to the Quince but I didn't stay long because I was tired, my eyes burned, and I started getting dizzy. So feeling bad about it I left after about 2 hours. She understood of course, but I still feel bad abandoning her. I went home and just rested.

Sunday I was off work and I sat around the house all day long. How the hell can I do that when there is so much to be done around here?! I did make it to the grocery store and I finally cooked dinner, but there are so many other things I need to do, I just couldn't force myself to do it. And it's back to work tomorrow so I'm really kicking myself. I can't wait for all this to be done so I can get my energy back. The fatigue is beyond words, I just can't explain it to anyone. It's something you don't get until you feel it, and believe me you don't want to feel like this.

Well I'm off to go do the dishes and rest before bed. Have a good week!!!


Casey's trio said...

Hey Mary,
I'm glad you listened to your body and rested on Sunday. Can't wait to see the pics from the concert. Our babysitter went too!

Jessica said...

I hope you are getting some rest! So sorry you are so exhausted. Try not to push yourself too much.

Casey's trio said...

Hi Mary,
I came across a blog today that I wanted to share with you.
This woman is a survivor of cervical cancer and she has a ton of links on the right side of her blog. I thought you might be interested and may find others who have gone through radiation.
Hope you are feeling well.