Thursday, August 28, 2008

Oncologist visit and getting out there....

Well I saw my oncologist today and we went over a lot of things. I got a copy of both of my pathology reports from him which I've really only glanced over but they are very interesting. You can see the difference in the two reports, I mean with what limited knowledge I have of the medical terminology. I am going to read more in depth when I have the energy to look up the big words... LOL

But bottom line is I will be taking Tamoxifen 2 times a day for anywhere from months or up to 5 years. I will also have to have radiation treatments. I didn't know this but they don't do it at Kaiser they have a place that contracts out to them called St. Theresa's. It's in Stockton and they will be calling me soon to set that up. So more on that when I know more. LOL

It seems like a lot to do but whatever will help is what I will do. I liked my oncologist his name is Dr. James Shum. He was born in China and moved to New York for college and medical school. He decided to move to California after 9/11, he was not very far from the towers when it happened and he told me about that. He is a very knowledgeable and interesting man.

I am trying to find more people to contact with my blog, and blogs to read myself. I'm not exactly sure how to go about doing that. Again, when I'm not so tired I will make more of an effort.

My dr. told me stories about people and different stages of cancer, he called mine not exactly a "real" cancer, (for lack of a better word)... He did tell me I did the right thing by going with my instinct, but that if I had waited 6 more months the DCIS would have probably had the same results, but getting it done when I did was good. I will not think twice EVER about going with my "gut" feeling. It wasn't a feeling, it was more than that. I can't really explain it but I knew waiting should not be an option. I don't trust myself on a lot of things, but if I ever get that gut feeling again I will so go with it.

Well I'm going to finish cleaning up the dinner dishes and watch me some Law & Order. LOL Nighty night.


Casey's trio said...

Hi Mary,
I'm glad that you are doing well and starting to feel better.
I came across this blog awhile back and thought this might be one place for you to start looking for other women who have survived breast cancer
I've always found that once you find one blog on a topic you relate to, you'll find other blogs by looking at who leaves comments or look at the blogroll on their page if they have one.

Jessica said...

I am glad you are resting, and starting to feel better. Do you know when you will start radiation? Keeping you in my prayers..

Jessica said...

Mary check out this blog.